About GSCP
Welcome to Gentle Shepherd Christian Preschool. GSCP was founded by
Somerset Hills Lutheran Church in January 1993 and is considered a mission
of the church. As a New Jersey State licensed facility, the state sets forth
specific qualifications and requirements for Early Childhood Educators. Our
teachers and staff meet or exceed all of these requirements. The entire staff
is dedicated to providing a loving, Christian environment for each child in our
Somerset Hills Lutheran Church in January 1993 and is considered a mission
of the church. As a New Jersey State licensed facility, the state sets forth
specific qualifications and requirements for Early Childhood Educators. Our
teachers and staff meet or exceed all of these requirements. The entire staff
is dedicated to providing a loving, Christian environment for each child in our
GSCP Philosophy
Gentle Shepherd Christian Preschool is a non-profit organization designed to
provide a Christian Education for area families with children entering
preschool and younger. Our curriculum has been created using various tools
including The Creative Curriculum and The New Jersey Preschool Teaching
and Learning Standards. We are a program which incorporates the spiritual
growth of children into their daily routines here at GSCP. Spiritual
development is nurtured through bible stories, chapel time, prayer and the
modeling of Christian values by our teachers and staff. Our curriculum is
play-based, as young children learn best through play. We offer children
varied opportunities to play and share new experiences, while providing them
with the opportunity to interact with peers. While we are play-based, we do
incorporate the instruction of other academic skills in a fun, non-threatening
provide a Christian Education for area families with children entering
preschool and younger. Our curriculum has been created using various tools
including The Creative Curriculum and The New Jersey Preschool Teaching
and Learning Standards. We are a program which incorporates the spiritual
growth of children into their daily routines here at GSCP. Spiritual
development is nurtured through bible stories, chapel time, prayer and the
modeling of Christian values by our teachers and staff. Our curriculum is
play-based, as young children learn best through play. We offer children
varied opportunities to play and share new experiences, while providing them
with the opportunity to interact with peers. While we are play-based, we do
incorporate the instruction of other academic skills in a fun, non-threatening
Curriculum Objectives, Goals & Assessment
Gentle Shepherd Christian Preschool is committed to providing a balanced
play-based curriculum, guided by the principals of the Creative Curriculum
and integrated with the belief that God loves us.
GSCP’s curriculum reflects appropriate developmental levels for each age
group, from birth through preschool. At GSCP we foster a positive self-
concept that is reinforced through the belief that each child is created in the
image of God and is of infinite value. Self-esteem is nurtured through
affirmation of a person rather than performance. Biblical principles and
knowledge of God and His great love for the world are an integral part of the
preschool curriculum. Each child is given a positive school experience in an
atmosphere of Christian love. Prayer is part of our daily routine.
Goals and objectives address developing self-awareness and self-control,
acquiring specific age-appropriate skills, working independently and
interdependently, and assuming responsibility for actions.
What is Play-Based Learning?
Play-based learning is a type of early childhood learning experience that
includes open-ended and child-led play. An example of this is a group of
children that have shown an interest in firefighters. They may choose to build
a firehouse out of blocks and then act out the role of firefighter. Other
examples include children playing with a sand-table, painting pictures,
singing songs, dancing, etc. The list is endless!
Play-based learning helps children develop social skills, self-esteem, cognitive
abilities, language and math skills. Children become excited and motivated to
learn through play-based learning.
How is the Creative Curriculum Used?
Preparing each child for the next educational level is an important part of our
program. Each child is assessed at his/her own development level, not
against other children in the classroom. Assessment is based upon the
38 Objectives for Development & Learning detailed within The Creative
Curriculum. Assessment is shared with family members at parent-teacher
conferences during the school year.
The Creative Curriculum’s 38 Objectives for Development &
Regulates own emotions and behaviors
Establishes and sustains positive relationships
Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations
Demonstrates traveling skills
Demonstrates balancing skills
Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills
Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination
Language Objectives
Listens to and understands increasingly complex language
Uses language to express thoughts and needs
Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills
Cognitive Objectives
Demonstrates positive approached to learning
Remembers and connects experiences
Uses classification skills
Uses symbols and images to represent something not present
Demonstrates phonological awareness, phonics skills, and word recognition
Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet
Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses
Comprehends and responds to books and other texts
Demonstrates writing skills
Uses number concepts and operations
Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes
Compares and measures
Demonstrates knowledge of patterns
Science and Technology
Uses scientific inquiry skills
Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things
Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials
Demonstrates knowledge of Earth’s environment
Uses tools and other technology to perform tasks
Social Studies
Demonstrates knowledge about self
Shows basic understanding of people and how they live
Explores change related to familiar people or places
Demonstrates simple geographic knowledge
The Arts
Explores the visual arts
Explores musical concepts and expression
Explores dance and movement concepts
Explores drama through actions and language
English Language Acquisition
Demonstrates progress in listening to and understanding English
Demonstrates progress in speaking English
Families are encouraged to reach out to teachers at any time to share concerns,
discuss their child’s progress or for any other reason.